How to Set (And Achieve) Your Goals in 2022

For some of us, working toward a new goal is exciting and energizing. For others, even the thought of goal-setting can feel overwhelming. The fact is, though, having goals—even tiny ones—is an important way to keep us on track toward the lives we want to lead, both personally and professionally. And the good news is, setting (and achieving) your goals can be easier than you think! Here are a few tips to help you start working toward your personal and professional goals in 2022.
Use New Language
If the thought of setting goals makes you break out in a cold sweat, try switching up your language! Instead of words like “goal”, “targets”, and “achievements”, try describing them as things you want to start doing or activities you want to try. By changing the way you think and talk about your goals, you can take some of the pressure off yourself. And when the pressure’s off, chances are you’ll find it easier to get started!
Identify Your Why
It’s easier to commit to action when you have a strong driving force behind it. When you sit down to set a new goal, be sure to spend some time really thinking about why you want to achieve that particular thing. For example, if your goal is to lose some weight, your bigger why might be something like improving your health to be there for your kids. If your goal is to move into a supervisory role at work, your bigger why might be having the opportunity to mentor newer employees. Write down your why and display it in a spot where you’ll see it often. This will help you stay motivated on days when you feel like giving up.
Break It Down
We’ve all heard of SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. But how do you know if your goals are truly SMART? One way is to break them down into manageable chunks. For example, instead of stating that you want to save thousands of dollars by the end of the year, you can set a target of spending X fewer dollars per week on take-out. Or if your goal is to land three new major clients in 2022, set a goal of making ten more cold calls per week. This process of “chunking it down” will make your goals feel more attainable. Before you know it, you’ll be crossing that big achievement off your list!
Don’t Go It Alone
As with most things in life, setting and achieving your goals is easier when you ask for help! Tell a trusted friend or family member about your new goal and ask them to help you stay accountable or, better yet, join you. Take advantage of the plethora of motivational books, blogs, videos, and podcasts that are out there, such as the LifeSpeak podcast (available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify).
Your EAP also provides lots of learning and development resources to help you pursue your professional development goals. By drawing on all these resources, you’ll reach your goals that much more quickly and successfully.
Aim for Progress over Perfection
Perhaps the most important thing to remember when you start working toward a new goal is to go easy on yourself. Remember the old saying: Rome wasn’t built in a day? Well, you can’t expect to achieve your goals immediately either. There are bound to be times when you’ll face unexpected challenges, make a mistake, feel unmotivated, or just have more pressing personal or professional matters to handle. And that’s okay! Adopt the motto “progress over perfection”, and aim for just 1% improvement over the day before. With enough time and patience, those small gains will add up!
By remembering to take it slow, reach out for help, and stay focused on your bigger why, you can take your 2022 goal-setting from overwhelming to outstanding! For even more tips on setting and achieving your goals, visit the Workplace Solutions blog.
WORKPLACE SOLUTIONS is a group of dedicated professionals who provide assistance and resources to individuals and families to create a satisfying and meaningful life. We’re counselors, attorneys, financial professionals, and experienced specialists in a wide variety of fields. Because life’s challenges and opportunities show up in a range of different areas, we provide assistance in a number of different ways.